Off-Cycle Partner Repacks, Funnelcakes, and partner-attributed builds#

Original docs are here.


We repackage Firefox for partners. Occasionally we’ll have a new study (funnelcake) or a new partner or partner config that happens after a release is built, but before the next release is scheduled to be built, and we need to repack that partner off-cycle.


We’ll get a bug for a new partner repack or funnelcake, in the Release Engineering :: Custom Release Requests component in Bugzilla.

These will need to run against a previously-promoted release.

Warning: Adding a new partner, or partner sub-config, can cause alarming failures for an in-progress Firefox release, but does not actually block the release. The problem usually occurs in the push or ship phase, where a new partner config since the previous phase causes extra partner tasks in the new graph and these fail. A resolution for this is tracked in Bug 1496530, but in the meantime you can either delay the partner configuration change until the release is complete, or inform releaseduty to ignore the extra tasks.


These are the steps on how to trigger the repack/signing/repackage/repackage-signing/beetmover tasks for partner repacks and funnelcakes. We sometimes still have additional steps afterwards, until we automate everything.


  1. Clone braindump and set up a virtualenv with requests and pyyaml.

hg clone
cd braindump/releases-related
python3 -m venv ./venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install requests pyyaml

or update your existing clone.

  1. Determine the version and build number we’re going to use. This is generally the most recent Firefox release, but might be ESR or beta.

  2. Determine the partner name - this will be usually be given in the bug. There should be a repo at<name>/ - you may have to figure out the parent of a sub-config.

    Until Bug 1530231 is resolved we support a single, top-level config, eg funnelcake, but not funnelcakeNNN or yandex,ironsource. If more than one partner is needed create separate graphs using separate custom actions.

  3. Generate the action input, eg

# This will send instructions to stderr (console) and the input.yml
# to ./input.yml
./ -v 65.0.2 -b release -p seznam > input.yml
  1. If dealing with partner-attributed build, you will have to manually edit input.yml (until Bug 1943617) is done. Change the following fields:

- release-partner-repack-bouncer-sub
- release-partner-attribution
- release-partner-attribution-beetmover

release_enable_emefree: false
release_enable_partner_attribution: true
release_enable_partner_repack: true # Still set to true until bug 1943599 is done

release_partner_build_number: 1  # Cannot be another value until bug 1943594 is fixed
  1. Load the Treeherder link from stderr. Make sure you are logged into Treeherder. In the top-right corner of the UI for the push locate the small triangle, select Custom Push Action... from the dropdown list.

  2. From the Action dropdown select Release Promotion.

  3. Paste the contents of ./input.yml into the Payload box, and click the Trigger button.

  4. Treeherder will display a link to the Taskcluster task for a few seconds, otherwise look for the firefox_promote_partners job in the Gecko Decision Task line. The graphs are small enough they can be monitored in a browser tab, but you can also use braindump//taskcluster/

  5. When the graph is done, resolve the bug. If there are tasks in the

graph matching release-partner-repack-beetmover-*-public, add the link to the candidates directory which the script provides; otherwise the repacks will be available in the partners portal.

Additional steps#


For funnelcake, we still need to deal with bouncer. See the bouncer-related docs here.

Shipping partner-attributed builds#

For requests like bug 1941537, you will need to push partner-attributed builds to releases and create bouncer entries. You won’t have to do all these manual steps once bug 1943599 is done.

  1. Repeat preparation steps 1 to 4.

  2. Change the following fields in input.yml:

- release-beetmover-push-to-release
- release-bouncer-aliases

 release_enable_emefree: false
 release_enable_partner_attribution: true
 release_enable_partner_repack: true # Still set to true until bug 1943599 is done

 release_partner_build_number: 1  # Cannot be another value until bug 1943594 is fixed
 release_promotion_flavor: ship_firefox
  1. Before going further, be aware that you have to IMMEDIATELY CANCEL THE TASK GROUP you are about to create. That’s because the action task will generate more tasks than necessary (notably release-notify-ship-firefox that will email Release Management).

  2. Repeat preparation steps 6 to 8 and IMMEDIATELY CANCEL the spawned task group.

  3. Rerun firefox-push-to-release and release-bouncer-aliases-firefox.

Now URLs like should be pointing to the expected binaries.

Stub installers#

We have some manual steps to copy files and set up bouncer for stub installers, as this is not automated in the respin case. Regular releases do not require this work, and automating respins is covered by Bug 1583685.

  1. First, define some parameters. You can most of this from the output of the script, but PARTNER_SUB_CONFIGS will depend on which sub-configs are of interest in this respin. eg:

PARTNER_SUB_CONFIGS="softonic-010 softonic-011 softonic-012"
  1. To push the files into firefox/releases/partners you’ll need a copy of the release beetmover credentials in your ~/.aws/credentials, in the [temp] section. Then

# you can echo the commands or add the --dryrun argument to test this
    AWS_PROFILE=temp aws s3 sync \
      s3://net-mozaws-prod-delivery-firefox/pub/firefox/candidates/${VERSION}-candidates/${BUILDN}/partner-repacks/${PARTNER}/${P_SUB}/${PARTNER_BUILDN}/ \

Clean up the credentials immediately after use!

  1. To set up the bouncer products, locations, and aliases, generate the config with

   ## add products
   echo "new product: Firefox-${VERSION}-${PARTNER}-${P_SUB}  with SSL disabled, locales not set"
   echo "new location: win   :  /firefox/releases/partners/${PARTNER}/${P_SUB}/${VERSION}/win32/:lang/Firefox%20Setup%20${VERSION}.exe"
   echo "new location: win64 :  /firefox/releases/partners/${PARTNER}/${P_SUB}/${VERSION}/win64/:lang/Firefox%20Setup%20${VERSION}.exe"
   echo "new location: osx   :  /firefox/releases/partners/${PARTNER}/${P_SUB}/${VERSION}/mac/:lang/Firefox%20${VERSION}.dmg"

   echo "new product: Firefox-${VERSION}-${PARTNER}-${P_SUB}-stub  with SSL enabled"
   echo "new location: win and win64:  /firefox/releases/partners/${PARTNER}/${P_SUB}/${VERSION}/win32/:lang/Firefox%20Installer.exe"

   ## add aliases
   echo "new alias: partner-firefox-release-${PARTNER}-${P_SUB}-latest  -->  Firefox-${VERSION}-${PARTNER}-${P_SUB}"
   echo "new alias: partner-firefox-release-${PARTNER}-${P_SUB}-stub    -->  Firefox-${VERSION}-${PARTNER}-${P_SUB}-stub"

then go to Bounceradmin to add entries listed, with the usual tunnel to gain access. This work will need to be scripted once we move to Nazgul and only have an HTTP API to work with.

  1. Verify that redirects from bouncer end up on the expected files:

   echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------';
   echo Checking ${PARTNER} ${P_SUB} full installer
   for os in {win64,win,osx}; do
     echo $url;
     curl -sIL $url | egrep "^HTTP|^Location";
   echo Checking ${PARTNER} ${P_SUB} stub installer
   for os in {win64,win}; do
     echo $url;
     curl -sIL $url | egrep "^HTTP|^Location";

You should see output like this, indicating a 302 from bouncer to the CDN, with a 200 response from th ere:

Checking softonic softonic-010 full installer
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
HTTP/2 200


In the future, we can use action hooks for this. In addition, we can do things like add bouncer tasks in a shipping phase that allow us to automate the final remaining manual steps.

Ideally, ship-it v2 will be the forward-facing UI instead of hooks or an ssh shell. This is tracked in bug 1530859.