Project Standards#

Release Engineering strives to use consistent tools and style conventions across all projects. To that end, the Release Engineering Project Standard (or REPS) was created.

This repo contains both the REPS definition, as well as a tool that can be used to bootstrap new projects that conform to this definition.

Standard Definition#

The standards themselves are defined in the file at the root of the repo.

Bootstrapping new Projects#

The repo also provides a bootstrapping tool called reps-new. The recommended way to run it is with pipx:

$ pipx run reps-new

Updating the Standards#

These project standards are a living document, and it’s encouraged that new tools, workflows and modifications be added as our best practices evolve.

If you would like to adjust a standard, the recommended process is to:

  1. Create an issue describing the change you’d like to make, share it with the team and get general consensus that it is worth making.

  2. Create a PR that updates both as well as the cookiecutter templates used by reps-new. These should ideally be done in the same commit.

  3. If necessary, release a new version of reps-new.

  4. If necessary, update existing projects so they conform to the new standard. In general, we should strive to keep all projects synced with the latest standards, but this is not always possible in a timely manner due to conflicting priortities. So discretion can be used around the timeline for updating existing projects.